Meat Ravioli

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pasta dough:
- 300 g flour
- 3 eggs
the filling:
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 75 g unsmoked pancetta (very finely chopped)
- 350 g minced beef
- 150 ml meat stock
- 1 sprig rosemary
- 1 tsp black pepper
- 100 g Parmesan (freshly grated)
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
the dressing:
- 60 g butter (unsalted)
- 2 garlic cloves
- 6 sage leaves (torn into smallish pieces)
- 75 g Parmesan (freshly grated)
First make the pasta dough and leave it wrapped in cling film while you make the filling
To make the pasta dough: Put most of the flour on the work surface and make a well in the centre
Place the rest of the flour to one side
Break the eggs into the well
Beat them lightly with a fork for about 1 minute, then draw the flour in gradually from the inner wall of the well
I do this with 2 fingers because I find that gives me more control
When the eggs are no longer runny draw in enough fl our to enable you to knead the dough
At this stage you might have to add the flour you set aside, and even a little more from the bag, which you should keep at hand
You should add enough flour so that the dough is no longer sticky
(It is not possible to give the exact amount of flour needed because it depends on the absorption capacity of the eggs and the humidity of the kitchen
) Work until the flour and eggs are thoroughly amalgamated, put the dough to one side and scrape the work surface clean
Wash and dry your hands
Note: It is easier for a beginner to stretch a soft dough, though a dough that is too soft may stick and tear and become unmanageable
You can make a harder dough by replacing half the flour with fine semolina
This dough is difficult to work by hand, but it can be rolled out using the hand-cranked machine
It makes a pasta that is less delicate and less smooth in texture, but with a definite flavour, particularly suitable for vegetable sauces
Proceed to knead the dough by pressing and pushing with the heel of your palm, folding the dough back, giving it half a turn and repeating these movements
Repeat the movements for about 10 minutes if you are going to make your pasta by hand, or 2–3 minutes if you are going to use a machine
Wrap the dough in cling film and leave it to rest for at least 30 minutes, though you can leave it for up to 3 hours, or even overnight
To prepare the filling: heat the oil and pancetta in a saucepan and, after about 5 minutes, throw in the minced beef
Fry the meat, breaking it up with a fork so that it all gets properly browned, which will take just over 5 minutes
Pour in the stock, then add the sprig of rosemary and the salt and pepper, and cook gently for about 30 minutes
Stir frequently
When the meat is cooked, discard the rosemary sprig, spoon the mince into a bowl and let it cool for 10–15 minutes
Mix in 50g of the cheese, together with the egg and the cinnamon
Taste and check the seasoning
Now start kneading the pasta dough, by hand or by machine, and when this is done make the ravioli
Put the pasta dough on the work surface and cut off about one quarter, leaving the rest wrapped in cling fi lm
Thin the dough down in the pasta machine notch by notch as far as the last but one notch
If you are rolling out by hand, roll the dough out as thin as you possibly can
Work on one strip of dough at a time, keeping the remaining strips covered with a clean tea towel
Place mounds of the filling (about ½ tsp each) in a straight line along the length of the strip of dough, spacing them about 4cm apart and the same distance from the one long edge
Fold the dough lengthways over the filling and, using a pastry wheel, trim the edges where they meet
Then cut into squares between each mound of filling
Separate the squares and squeeze out any air that may be caught in the ravioli
Seal them tight with moistened fingers
Place the ravioli, well separated, on clean dry tea towels
Cut off another quarter of the dough, knead in any trimmings from the previous batch and thin the strip down as before
If you are rolling out by hand, keep the dough you are not working on well covered or it will dry up and become brittle
Continue making more ravioli until you have used up all the filling and/or all the dough
Leave the ravioli uncovered until they are properly dry; you can then cover them with another cloth
Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil with 1½ tbsp salt
Drop the ravioli gently into the pan
(If your saucepan is not large enough, cook the ravioli in 2 batches and keep the first batch warm in a very low oven, dressed with some of the flavoured butter – see next step
) Give the ravioli a gentle stir with a wooden spoon and cook in simmering water – not fast-boiling or the ravioli might break – for 3–4 minutes until they are done
The best way to tell if they are done is to try one: the pasta should be still firm to the bite – al dente – round the edge
Lift the ravioli out with a slotted spoon and transfer them immediately to a heated and buttered bowl
Pat them dry with kitchen paper
While the ravioli are cooking, make the dressing
Melt the butter in a small saucepan with the bruised garlic and the sage leaves
Fry gently until the sage leaves start to sizzle and the butter begins to turn golden
Remove and discard the garlic
Pour this simple dressing over the ravioli as soon as they are cooked and sprinkle with Parmesan
Serve at once, handing round the remaining cheese in a separate bowl
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